Best Christmas Ever Boston

Molly MacDonald / 2024 BCE Families Campaign

Thank you for helping to support a local family who has fallen on hard times through no fault of their own! We look forward to showering them with love and providing them with the Best Christmas Ever!
  • $1,012


  • $10,000


  • 7


  • 102

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

About Best Christmas Ever Boston

Our team is excited to announce that we have partnered with a Minnesota based non-profit organization called Best Christmas Ever! 

BCE Mission Statement

At Best Christmas Ever (BCE), we serve families who have fallen upon tough times, through no fault of their own. BCE partners with local leaders and businesses to bless each BCE family with a custom & unique Best Christmas Ever, tailored to the family situation. BCE provides continual support to families following their BCE, through our foundational BCE Family Pillars.

We have created a proven framework for local leaders to create and experience the results of unreasonable generosity and generational impact.   We operate as a faith-based organization in principle and integrity.  We do not identify with a specific denomination; however our principles of operation and service are biblical in nature.  

Boston BCE

We are bringing BCE to Boston this year with a student-run team based in Waltham, MA. We will be providing a family with…

  •  A “life changing gift” funded with your monetary donations. The financial gift may be used to purchase a new/used vehicle, pay medical bills, go towards their rent/mortgage, pay credit cards, pay utility bills, travel, etc. BCE does not pay phone bills, cable bills, court-related incidents, or construction projects. Additionally, BCE does not pay cash directly to families. 
  • 10+ Christmas gifts per family member. We will provide an Amazon wishlist with items to buy. Gifts can be delivered to the address given in the Amazon wishlist or dropped off at a later disclosed location. 

The family that will receive this Best Christmas Ever will be chosen from nominations submitted to BCE. Nominations are open NOW through November 1st using the link below. Our team will have the opportunity to select a family in early November and compile a list of gifts based on the wants and needs of the family members. 


We cannot complete this BCE without the support of our community. Thanks in advance for your help! 


**Disclaimer: 87% of all funds raised go directly to support your BCE Family. Funds may also be used to purchase any gifts that were not donated.