Best Christmas Ever - Iron Range Catholic Mission Field - Pink Family

Samantha Rozinka / 2024 BCE Families Campaign

Thank you for helping to support a family of four in the Northland, a single mother and three young girls, who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own! We look forward to providing them with a Best Christmas Ever!
  • $27,587


  • $50,000


  • 38


  • 0

    Days Remaining

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About Best Christmas Ever - Iron Range Catholic Mission Field - Pink Family

Our team is pleased to announce that we have partnered with a local non-profit organization called Best Christmas Ever (BCE)! BCE surprises families during the holiday season who have fallen on tough times through no fault of their own. Our team is looking forward to surprising two families in the Northland with a Best Christmas Ever this holiday season! We aim to raise $50,000 and to collect ten donated gifts per family member! The families that receive the Best Christmas Ever are chosen from nominations submitted to BCE. Nominations are open from September 1st to November 1st and can be submitted at Through lots of prayer, reflection, and conversation, two families were chosen and we are diligently working with their nominators, family, and friends to provide them with not only an answered prayer, but also hope and joy. 

For those of you who do not know us, our names are Caitlyn Lindemoen, a parishioner at Holy Spirit and Samantha Rozinka, a parishioner at Resurrection. This year, we are working alongside Father Brandon and Best Christmas Ever in order to change the lives of people in our community who need it most. BCE serves families who have fallen upon tough times, through no fault of their own. They partner with local leaders and businesses to bless chosen families every year, in a way that is deeply personal and leaves a lasting impact. We’re asking you to give. Give time. Give financial support. Give your prayers.

We thank you for learning more about BCE, our mission, and supporting these families, during what may be a particularly challenging time for you or your family during this holiday season. 

We’re asking you to give to a family of four, a mother of three, a single parent, and a domestic abuse survivor. A family who is starting over. Recently, this mother made the difficult decision to take her three daughters and leave an abusive relationship knowing that would mean starting over with nothing and having to rebuild her life. No one besides her knew what was going on behind closed doors. She did not want her girls growing up thinking it was okay to be treated that way and knew that she deserved so much better and started to see the toll the abuse was having on her. At the time, she was a stay-at-home mother and has always given anything and everything that she can for her three girls ages 3, 5, and 12. She took her family, moved in with her parents until she was able to find a home, and started looking for a fresh start on life. She just closed on her house and prays that she will be able to continue to support her girls while still giving them everything that this beautiful life has to offer. While working two jobs, this mother still manages to be a present mom while continuing to heal from the abuse/trauma that she went through. She works so hard for herself and the girls and wants to give them the best life. Her family and friends describe her as the most amazing mother and that no matter what life has thrown at her, she has always given the girls 110% and remains so positive.

You would be giving the peace of mind that the mortgage is paid. The hope that the girls will be able to experience basketball games and trips to the aquarium. The joy of coming home to a new furnished home they get to call their own. You would be giving the peace, joy, and hope of our newborn Savior, so profound and undeniable that it will be passed down for generations to come.

At mass one of these past weekends we heard the story of the woman who gave her coins, despite having so few: Mark 12: 42-44 reads, “But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” This woman gave her all.

Whatever your “all” is right now, please give it. And then ask God if you can give a little more. It may mean going without that extra present under your own tree this year, but I can assure you, you are giving, and getting, something so much bigger. Hope. Let’s give to the people who are going without this Christmas season.

With Christmas so quickly approaching, we would love to chat with you about how you can be involved in this process, if helping or volunteering is something that has been on your heart this holiday season please contact your parish office and we will be able to connect with you.

We thank you in advance for your help and support for these families who so desperately need healing, hope, and joy! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call!

How to Help:
BCE gift trees will be available at the following locations starting Saturday December 7th and will be available until Sunday December 15th: Resurrection Catholic Church in Eveleth; Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Virginia ; St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Gilbert; Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Aurora; and Marge's Liquor Store in Eveleth. Community members can visit the sponsor locations, grab a gift tag and purchase a present for the selected family! 

Our goal to collect 10 gifts per family member per household will be made possible through your support! Please use the below registry links to find these gifts. These gifts can be purchased online and shipped to either Resurrection or Holy Spirit or purchased in store to be dropped off at the designated parish. Gifts must be at their drop off location no later than December 18th.

Gifts to be shipped or dropped off at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Virginia: 

Monetary donations, made through this Kindful account will go towards the family's life-changing gift. This gift can help reduce the burden a family carries during difficult times. The financial gift may be used to purchase a new/used vehicle, pay medical bills, go towards their rent/mortgage, pay credit cards, pay utility bills, travel, etc. BCE does not pay phone bills, cable bills, court-related incidents, or construction projects. Additionally, BCE does not pay cash directly to families. We cannot complete this BCE without the support of our community. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER IS A 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT. TAX ID: 46-4729005. **Disclaimer: 87% of all funds raised go directly to support your BCE Family. Funds may also be used to purchase any gifts that were not donated.

The wrapping party will be held at Resurrection Catholic Church in Eveleth at 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 19th. Here will will gather as friends, family, and neighbors to wrap gifts and prepare for this family's Best Christmas Ever. Please join us if you can!