2024 Wisconsin Rapids Area Best Christmas Ever

WR BCE Committee / 2024 BCE Families Campaign

Thank you for helping to support a local families who has fallen on hard times through no fault of their own! We look forward to providing them with a Best Christmas Ever!
  • $36,933


  • $30,000


  • 35


  • 0

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

About 2024 Wisconsin Rapids Area Best Christmas Ever

Check out our FB page for the latest updates and events: WR BCE FB PAGE

The Wisconsin Rapids Area Best Christmas Ever committee is pleased to announce that for the 4th year in a row, we have partnered with a non-profit organization called Best Christmas Ever(BCE)! BCE started as a group of friends coming together in 2011  to help a family in need with the goal of expanding the number of families they are able to bless each year by partnering with local businesses. In 2024,  our goal is $30,000 giving us the ability to bless 4 Wisconsin Rapids Area families.

Monetary donations will go towards the family's life-changing gift. This gift can help reduce the burden a family carries during difficult times. The financial gift may be used to purchase a new/used vehicle, pay medical bills, go towards their rent/mortgage, pay credit cards, pay utility bills, travel, etc. BCE does not pay phone bills, cable bills, court-related incidents, or construction projects. Additionally, BCE does not pay cash directly to families. We cannot complete this BCE without the support of our community. Thanks in advance for your help! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me! BEST CHRISTMAS EVER IS A 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT. TAX ID: 46-4729005. **Disclaimer: 87% of all funds raised go directly to support your BCE Family. Funds may also be used to purchase any gifts that were not donated.